
SAR: Cvars

Name Default Description
+autostrafe cmd Auto-strafe button.
-autostrafe cmd Auto-strafe button.
+bhop cmd Client sends a key-down event for the in_jump state.
-bhop cmd Client sends a key-up event for the in_jump state.
sar_about cmd Prints info about SAR plugin.
sar_aircontrol 0 Enables more air-control on the server.
sar_anti_anti_cheat cmd Sets sv_cheats to 1.
sar_autojump 0 Enables automatic jumping on the server.
sar_autorecord 0 Enables automatic demo recording.
sar_avg_result cmd Prints result of average.
sar_avg_start cmd Starts calculating the average when using timer.
sar_avg_stop cmd Stops average calculation.
sar_bind_reload cmd Automatic save-reload rebinding when server has loaded.
File indexing will be synced when recording demos.
Usage: sar_bind_reload <key> [save_name]
sar_bind_save cmd Automatic save rebinding when server has loaded.
File indexing will be synced when recording demos.
Usage: sar_bind_save <key> [save_name]
sar_cps_add cmd Saves current time of timer.
sar_cps_clear cmd Resets saved times of timer.
sar_cps_result cmd Prints result of timer checkpoints.
sar_cvarlist cmd Lists all SAR cvars and unlocked engine cvars.
sar_cvars_dump cmd Dumps all cvars to a file.
sar_cvars_dump_doc cmd Dumps all SAR cvars to a file.
sar_cvars_load cmd Loads important SAR cvars.
sar_cvars_lock cmd Restores default flags of unlocked cvars.
sar_cvars_save cmd Saves important SAR cvars.
sar_cvars_unlock cmd Unlocks all special cvars.
sar_debug_listener 0 Prints event data of registered listener.
sar_delete_alias_cmds cmd Deletes all alias commands.
sar_disable_challenge_stats_hud 0 Disables opening the challenge mode stats HUD.
sar_disable_no_focus_sleep 0 Does not yield the CPU when game is not focused.
sar_disable_steam_pause 0 Prevents pauses from steam overlay.
sar_duckjump 0 Allows duck-jumping even when fully crouched, similar to prevent_crouch_jump.
sar_dump_client_classes cmd Dumps all client classes to a file.
sar_dump_client_datamap cmd Dumps client datmap to a file.
sar_dump_events cmd Dumps all registered game events of the game event manager.
sar_dump_server_classes cmd Dumps all server classes to a file.
sar_dump_server_datamap cmd Dumps server datamap to a file.
sar_ei_hud 0 Draws entity inspection data.
sar_ei_hud_font_color 255 255 255 255 RGBA font color of entity inspection HUD when not recording.
sar_ei_hud_font_color2 153 23 9 255 RGBA font color of entity inspection HUD when recording.
sar_ei_hud_font_index 1 Font index of entity inspection HUD.
sar_ei_hud_x 0 X offset of entity inspection HUD.
sar_ei_hud_y 0 Y offset of entity inspection HUD.
sar_ei_hud_z 0 Z offset of entity inspection HUD.
sar_exit cmd Removes all function hooks, registered commands and unloads the module.
sar_find_client_class cmd Finds specific client class tables and props with their offset.
Usage: sar_find_clientclass <class_name>
sar_find_client_offset cmd Finds prop offset in specified client class.
Usage: sar_find_client_offset <class_name> <prop_name>
sar_find_ent cmd Finds entity in the entity list by name.
Usage: sar_find_ent <m_iName>
sar_find_ents cmd Finds entities in the entity list by class name.
Usage: sar_find_ents <m_iClassName>
sar_find_server_class cmd Finds specific server class tables and props with their offset.
Usage: sar_find_serverclass <class_name>
sar_find_server_offset cmd Finds prop offset in specified server class.
Usage: sar_find_server_offset <class_name> <prop_name>
sar_hud_acceleration 0 Draws instant acceleration.
sar_hud_angles 0 Draws absolute view angles of the client.
0 = Default,
1 = XY,
2 = XYZ.
sar_hud_avg 0 Draws calculated average of timer.
sar_hud_cps 0 Draws latest checkpoint of timer.
sar_hud_default_font_color 255 255 255 255 RGBA font color of HUD.
sar_hud_default_font_index 0 Font index of HUD.
sar_hud_default_padding_x 2 X padding of HUD.
sar_hud_default_padding_y 2 Y padding of HUD.
sar_hud_default_spacing 1 Spacing between elements of HUD.
sar_hud_demo 0 Draws name, tick and time of current demo.
sar_hud_frame 0 Draws current frame count.
sar_hud_inspection 0 Draws entity inspection data.
sar_hud_jump 0 Draws current jump distance.
sar_hud_jump_peak 0 Draws longest jump distance.
sar_hud_jumps 0 Draws total jump count.
sar_hud_last_frame 0 Draws last saved frame value.
sar_hud_last_session 0 Draws value of latest completed session.
sar_hud_pause_timer 0 Draws current value of pause timer.
sar_hud_player_info 0 Draws player state defined with sar_tas_set_prop.
sar_hud_portals 0 Draws total portal count.
sar_hud_position 0 Draws absolute position of the client.
0 = Default,
1 = Player position,
2 = Camera position.
sar_hud_session 0 Draws current session tick.
sar_hud_steps 0 Draws total step count.
sar_hud_sum 0 Draws summary value of sessions.
sar_hud_text   Draws specified text when not empty.
sar_hud_timer 0 Draws current value of timer.
sar_hud_trace 0 Draws distance values of tracer. 0 = Default,
1 = Vec3,
2 = Vec2.
sar_hud_velocity 0 Draws velocity of the client.
0 = Default,
1 = X/Y/Z,
2 = X/Y,
3 = X : Y : Z.
sar_hud_velocity_angle 0 Draws velocity angles.
sar_hud_velocity_peak 0 Draws last saved velocity peak.
sar_ihud 0 Draws movement inputs of client.
0 = Default,
1 = forward;back;moveleft;moveright,
2 = 1 + duck;jump;use,
3 = 2 + attack;attack2,
4 = 3 + speed;reload.
sar_ihud_button_color 0 0 0 233 RGBA button color of input HUD.
sar_ihud_button_padding 2 Padding between buttons of input HUD.
sar_ihud_button_size 60 Button size of input HUD.
sar_ihud_font_color 255 255 255 255 RGBA font color of input HUD.
sar_ihud_font_index 1 Font index of input HUD.
sar_ihud_layout WASDCSELRSR Layout of input HUD.
Labels are in this order:
Pass an empty string to disable drawing labels completely.
sar_ihud_setlayout cmd Suggests keyboard layouts for sar_ihud_layout.
sar_ihud_setpos cmd Sets automatically the position of input HUD.
Usage: sar_ihud_setpos <top, center or bottom> <left, center or right>
sar_ihud_shadow 1 Draws button shadows of input HUD.
sar_ihud_shadow_color 0 0 0 32 RGBA button shadow color of input HUD.
sar_ihud_shadow_font_color 255 255 255 32 RGBA button shadow font color of input HUD.
sar_ihud_x 0 X offset of input HUD.
sar_ihud_y 0 Y offset of input HUD.
sar_inspection_export cmd Saves recorded entity data to a csv file.
Usage: sar_inspection_export <file_name>
sar_inspection_index cmd Sets entity index for inspection.
sar_inspection_print cmd Prints recorded entity data.
sar_inspection_save_every_tick 0 Saves inspection data even when session tick does not increment.
sar_inspection_start cmd Starts recording entity data.
sar_inspection_stop cmd Stops recording entity data.
sar_jumpboost 0 Enables special game movement on the server.
0 = Default,
1 = Orange Box Engine,
2 = Pre-OBE.
sar_list_client_classes cmd Lists all client classes.
sar_list_ents cmd Lists entities.
sar_list_server_classes cmd Lists all server classes.
sar_mimic 0 Copies inputs to secondary split screen. Similar to ss_mimic.
sar_rename cmd Changes your name. Usage: sar_rename <name>
sar_replay_autoloop 0 Plays replay again when it ended.
sar_replay_clone_views cmd Clones view to another of a replay.
Usage: sar_replay_clone_views <replay_index> <view_index>
sar_replay_export cmd Exports replay to a file.
Usage: sar_replay_export <file>
sar_replay_export_at cmd Exports specific replay to a file.
Usage: sar_replay_export_at <index> <file>
sar_replay_import cmd Imports replay file.
Usage: sar_replay_import <file>
sar_replay_import_add cmd Imports replay file but doesn’t delete already added replays.
Usage: sar_replay_import_add <file>
sar_replay_list cmd Lists all currently imported replays.
sar_replay_merge_all cmd Merges all replays into one.
sar_replay_merge_views cmd Merges one view to another of two replays.
Usage: sar_replay_merge_views <replay_index1> <replay_index2> <view_index1> <view_index2>
sar_replay_mode 0 Mode of replay system.
0 = Default,
1 = Automatic recording after a load,
2 = Automatic playback after a load.
sar_replay_play cmd Plays back a replay.
sar_replay_play_view cmd Plays back a specific view of a replay.
Usage: sar_replay_play_view <view_index>
sar_replay_record cmd Starts recording a replay.
sar_replay_record_view cmd Starts recording a specific view for a replay.
Usage: sar_replay_record_view <view_index>
sar_replay_stop cmd Stops recording or playing user inputs.
sar_replay_viewmode 0 Fallback mode of replay system.
0 = Default,
1 = Automatically records first view and plays second view after a load,
2 = Automatically records second view and plays first view after a load.
sar_save_flag #SAVE# Echo message when using sar_bind_save.
Default is “#SAVE#”, a SourceRuns standard.
Keep this empty if no echo message should be binded.
sar_session cmd Prints the current tick of the server since it has loaded.
sar_speedrun_autostart 0 Starts speedrun timer automatically on first frame after a load.
sar_speedrun_autostop 0 Stops speedrun timer automatically when going into the menu.
sar_speedrun_category cmd Sets the category for a speedrun.
sar_speedrun_export cmd Saves speedrun result to a csv file.
Usage: sar_speedrun_export <file_name>
sar_speedrun_export_pb cmd Saves speedrun personal best to a csv file.
Usage: sar_speedrun_export_pb <file_name>
sar_speedrun_import cmd Imports speedrun data file.
Usage: sar_speedrun_import <file_name>
sar_speedrun_offset cmd Sets offset in ticks at which the timer should start.
sar_speedrun_pause cmd Pauses speedrun timer manually.
sar_speedrun_reset cmd Resets speedrun timer.
sar_speedrun_result cmd Prints result of speedrun.
sar_speedrun_resume cmd Resumes speedrun timer manually.
sar_speedrun_smartsplit 1 Timer interface only splits once per level change.
sar_speedrun_split cmd Splits speedrun timer manually.
sar_speedrun_standard 1 Timer automatically starts, splits and stops.
sar_speedrun_start cmd Starts speedrun timer manually.
sar_speedrun_stop cmd Stops speedrun timer manually.
sar_speedrun_time_pauses 1 Timer automatically adds non-simulated ticks when server pauses.
sar_sr_hud 0 Draws speedrun timer.
sar_sr_hud_font_color 255 255 255 255 RGBA font color of speedrun timer HUD.
sar_sr_hud_font_index 70 Font index of speedrun timer HUD.
sar_sr_hud_x 0 X offset of speedrun timer HUD.
sar_sr_hud_y 100 Y offset of speedrun timer HUD.
sar_stats_auto_reset 0 Resets all stats automatically.
0 = Default,
1 = Restart or disconnect only,
2 = Any load & sar_timer_start.
Note: Portal counter is not part of the “stats” feature.
sar_stats_jump cmd Prints jump stats.
sar_stats_jumps_reset cmd Resets total jump count and jump distance peak.
sar_stats_jumps_xy 0 Saves jump distance as 2D vector.
sar_stats_reset cmd Resets all saved stats.
sar_stats_steps cmd Prints total amount of steps.
sar_stats_steps_reset cmd Resets total step count.
sar_stats_velocity cmd Prints velocity stats.
sar_stats_velocity_peak_xy 0 Saves velocity peak as 2D vector.
sar_stats_velocity_reset cmd Resets velocity peak.
sar_sum_during_session 1 Updates the summary counter automatically during a session.
sar_sum_here cmd Starts counting total ticks of sessions.
sar_sum_result cmd Prints result of summary.
sar_sum_stop cmd Stops summary counter.
sar_tas_addang cmd sar_tas_addang <x> <y> [z] : Adds {x, y, z} degrees to {x, y, z} view axis.
sar_tas_aim_at_point cmd sar_tas_aim_at_point <x> <y> <z> [speed] : Aims at point {x, y, z} specified.
Setting the [speed] parameter will make a time interpolation between current player angles and the targeted point.
sar_tas_autostart 1 Starts queued commands automatically on first frame after a load.
sar_tas_delay cmd Delays command queue by specified amount of frames.
Usage: sar_tas_delay <frames_to_wait>
sar_tas_frame_after cmd Adds command frame to the queue after waiting for specified amount of frames.
Usage: sar_tas_frame_after <frames_to_wait> [command_to_execute]
sar_tas_frame_after_for cmd Adds two command frames to the queue after waiting for specified amount of frames, the last frame will be executed after a delay.
Usage: sar_tas_frame_after_for <frames_to_wait> <delay> <first_command> <last_command>
sar_tas_frame_at cmd Adds command frame to the queue at specified frame.
Usage: sar_tas_frame_at <frame> [command_to_execute]
sar_tas_frame_at_for cmd Adds two command frames to the queue at specified frame, the last frame will be executed after a delay.
Usage: sar_tas_frame_at_for <frame> <delay> <first_command> <last_command>
sar_tas_frame_next cmd Adds command frame to the queue after waiting for specified amount of frames.
Usage: sar_tas_frame_next <frames_to_wait> [command_to_execute]
sar_tas_frame_offset cmd sar_tas_frame_after rely on the last sar_tas_frame_offset.
Usage: sar_tas_frame_offset <frame>
sar_tas_frames_after cmd Adds command frame multiple times to the queue after waiting for specified amount of frames.
Usage: sar_tas_frames_after <frames_to_wait> <interval> <length> [command_to_execute]
sar_tas_frames_at cmd Adds command frame multiple times to the queue at specified frame.
Usage: sar_tas_frames_at <frame> <interval> <last_frame> [command_to_execute]
sar_tas_reset cmd Stops executing commands and clears them from the queue.
sar_tas_set_prop cmd sar_tas_set_prop <prop_name> : Sets value for sar_hud_player_info.
sar_tas_setang cmd sar_tas_setang <x> <y> [z] [speed] : Sets {x, y, z} degrees to view axis.
Setting the [speed] parameter will make a time interpolation between current player angles and the targeted angles.
sar_tas_ss cmd Select split screen index for command buffer (0 or 1).
Usage: sar_tas_ss <index>
sar_tas_ss_forceuser 0 Forces engine to calculate movement for every splitescreen client.
sar_tas_start cmd Starts executing queued commands.
sar_tas_strafe cmd sar_tas_strafe <type> <direction> : Automatic strafing.
Type: 0 = off, 1 = straight, 2 = turning and keeping velocity, 3 = turning with velocity gain.
Direction: -1 = left, 1 = right.
sar_tas_strafe_vectorial cmd sar_tas_strafe_vectorial <type>: Change type of vectorial strafing.
0 = Auto-strafer calculates perfect viewangle,
1 = Auto-strafer calculates perfect forward-side movement,
2 = Auto-strafer calculates perfect forward-side movement, while setting the viewangle toward current velocity, to make strafing visually visible.
sar_teleport cmd Teleports the player to the last saved location.
sar_teleport_setpos cmd Saves current location for teleportation.
sar_time_demo cmd Parses a demo and prints some information about it.
Usage: sar_time_demo <demo_name>
sar_time_demo_dev 0 Printing mode when using sar_time_demo.
0 = Default,
1 = Console commands,
2 = Console commands & packets.
sar_time_demos cmd Parses multiple demos and prints the total sum of them.
Usage: sar_time_demos <demo_name> <demo_name2> <etc.>
sar_timer_always_running 1 Timer will save current value when disconnecting.
sar_timer_result cmd Prints result of timer.
sar_timer_start cmd Starts timer.
sar_timer_stop cmd Stops timer.
sar_timer_time_pauses 1 Timer adds non-simulated ticks when server pauses.
sar_togglewait cmd Enables or disables “wait” for the command buffer.
sar_trace_a cmd Saves location A for tracing.
sar_trace_b cmd Saves location B for tracing.
sar_trace_reset cmd Resets tracer.
sar_trace_result cmd Prints tracing result.
sar_unbind_reload cmd Unbinds current save-reload rebinder.
sar_unbind_save cmd Unbinds current save rebinder.
sar_workshop cmd Same as “map” command but lists workshop maps.
Usage: sar_workshop <file>
sar_workshop_list cmd Prints all workshop maps.
sar_workshop_update cmd Updates the workshop map list.