
Note: Requires to have special permissions.


Lists all invites of the server.

User PermissionsManage Guild
Bot PermissionsManage Guild
Lifetime5 Minutes

.audits <count = 10>

Lists audit logs of the server.

User PermissionsView Audit Log
Bot PermissionsView Audit Log
Lifetime5 Minutes

.pin <message_id>

Manually pins a given message. Will ask to create a new pin board for the server if it does not exist.

User PermissionsManage Guild
Bot PermissionsManage Webhooks
Lifetime20 Seconds


Configures pin board settings. Asks for the number of pins required, the emoji to use for pinning messages and then the amount of days until a message should be ignored for pinning.

User PermissionsManage Guild
Bot PermissionsManage Webhooks
Lifetime20 Seconds

.pin.set.reactions <minimum_reactions>

Configures pin board setting for number of minimum reactions required for pinning messages.

User PermissionsManage Guild
Lifetime20 Seconds

.pin.set.emoji <emoji>

Configures pin board setting for the emoji to use for pinning messages.

User PermissionsManage Guild
Lifetime20 Seconds

.pin.set.days <days_until_message_expires>

Configures pin board setting for the amount of days until a message should be ignored for pinning.

User PermissionsManage Guild
Lifetime20 Seconds