

Prints statistics about the current server.

Rate Limit6 Times in 1 Minute
Lifetime5 Minutes


Prints the role hierarchy of the current server.

Rate Limit6 Times in 1 Minute
Lifetime5 Minutes


Prints information about the current channel.

Rate Limit6 Times in 1 Minute
Lifetime5 Minutes

.id <ascending = true>

Lists top user IDs of the current server.

Rate Limit6 Times in 1 Minute
Lifetime5 Minutes

.disc <ascending = true>

Lists top user discriminators of the current server.

Rate Limit6 Times in 1 Minute
Lifetime5 Minutes

.joined <ascending = true>

Lists top user joined dates of the current server.

Rate Limit6 Times in 1 Minute
Lifetime5 Minutes

.created <ascending = true>

Lists top user created dates of the current server.

Rate Limit6 Times in 1 Minute
Lifetime5 Minutes

.pin.champions <descending = true>

Lists top pin champions from the pin board of the current server.

Rate Limit3 Times in 1 Minute
Lifetime5 Minutes

.pin.pinners <descending = true>

Lists top pin pinners from the pin board of the current server.

Rate Limit3 Times in 1 Minute
Lifetime5 Minutes